Galleration represents a paradigm shift in the way art will be accessed and experienced. Few people can experience great works of art that exist in galleries and museums around the world. Now, with the use of high-definition cameras that deliver near perfect replications of individual works of art, subscribers will be transported and immersed in new interactive worlds and exposed to transformational art from the various artists and art movements through history. Imagine traversing the beautiful landscapes of impressionism, experiencing the large color fields and unrestricted techniques of abstract expressionism, or exploring the truly fascinating world of digital art. Through the use of blockchain technology and its ability to support NFT transactions, TSM has the potential to create a new marketplace for artists, art collectors, and connoisseurs.

Technotainment would like a moment to introduce you to one of the most exciting emerging talents on the art scene today. For nearly forty years now, Bradley Beard has been slaving away in his art studio, blessing us with a unique and memorable blend of artistic mayhem whenever and wherever he can. Looking at his work, you can feel the depth of his imagination, the bottomless pit of ideas that exists within his brain, because the variety in his work is unmatched by any other. Hyperrealism, so craftily made that it feels like you could just reach out and touch it? Of course! Artistic minimalism, so simple, and yet so visibly loved that you can tell just what he was trying to say? Easy!

Brendan O’Connell has been creating artistic expressions of ordinary life for 20 years. He spent the last decade depicting life at Walmart and its brands through vivid paintings that are impressionistic in style, and yet simultaneously evocative of Andy Warhol’s work. This eventually led the media to refer to him as ‘The Warhol of Walmart.’ Though he and his easel were shown the door many times, quite literally at Walmart, they eventually embraced his work. O’Connell has been profiled in numerous publications and has been a guest on Sunday Morning CBS, and The Colbert Report. His present exploration involves creating NFTs for the Cardano blockchain. He is optimistic that the Cardano vision will reduce the middle layers allowing greater access to art and the ability to share in the ‘creator economy.’